Exploring the Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Denver emergency rent program
Catholic Charities provides emergency rent and utility payments to lower income households in the Greater Denver area. If you live in Denver, Adams, Jefferson or Arapahoe counties and have experienced a financial crisis, then you just might be able to benefit form short-term emergency assistance through the Archdiocese of Denver.
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Denver is a leading social assistance organization serving the Greater Denver community. The organization receives funding from the United Way as well as many other sources to help people bounce back from traumatic financial crises.
Emergency Rental Assistance
Catholic Charities provides over 300 families with emergency housing payments each year. Whether you are late on rent or on your mortgage, the charity is committed to helping you catch up and avoid the consequences that can result from eviction or foreclosure. Keep in mind that while Catholic Charities can help with this month’s rent, you will be expected to catch up on last month’s rent if you are behind.
How much help could you qualify for? It depends on a number of factors. The average recipient of emergency housing assistance is granted an average of $574. There is no loan to repay.
You can generally expect to be asked a number of screening questions to determine your need and qualifications for help. An application will need to be submitted, and you will also need to provide documentation for your total household size and monthly income. Emergency assistance can include more than just your rent payment.
Emergency Utility Assistance
Another prominent grant program administered by Catholic Charities is the emergency utility assistance that is provided to eligible households who have received a notice of disconnection by the utility company. A payment may be made on your behalf for your gas, electric or water bill. You will see the payment tracked on your next statement.
Make an Appointment for Emergency Assistance
To schedule an appointment with a case manager, you are strongly encouraged to call the organization right at 8:00 AM. They receive many calls daily, and the appointments are usually all filled by 8:45 AM. Call Catholic Charities at 720-377-1313. Have any eviction notice or disconnection notice in hand at the time of your call so that you may provide them with the information they need.
You are not alone, and you do not have to face homelessness. Catholic Charities can help you get through a brief crisis without taking on the debt of a rental loan. Denver emergency rent and utility assistance is available if you make the appointment, provide the documentation and meet all eligibility requirements.