need 1250 asap to move into a place (Winter Springs, FL)

Loan for Rent Community Forum Security deposits need 1250 asap to move into a place (Winter Springs, FL)

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    (Request received from Christine in Winter Springs, FL) I need to come up with 1250 asap to move into a place. But cant on my income of 250 a week

    Kenneth Long

    Christine, I’m assuming $625 would be the monthly rent and $625 a deposit. I am concerned that the property would take nearly 60% of your gross monthly income (before taxes). Are you sure that it will be affordable?

    It may be possible for you to get help with your security deposit through the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP). Your county government (Seminole County Community Services) can help you obtain the funds for a deposit. They will first conduct an assessment to ensure that the home is affordable for you. This could be a good option for you. I do recommend possibly finding a second choice that is cheaper just in case the first one does not meet their feasibility guidelines.


    (Response from Christine) It’s actually 850/month and 400 deposit and my fiancé will be with me he makes 425/week but with the bills we have we are unable to save anything with our 10 month old. We are currently staying in a hotel paying 250/wk plus car payments and such. I am also trying to find a better paying job, keep having interviews but nothing.

    Kenneth Long

    Christine, I know that it can be frustrating not getting a better job offer yet but keep your chin up. Remaining confident will help you land that new job.

    Since you are living in a hotel, you are technically homeless. This will give you the opportunity to apply for additional rental assistance through local organizations. At $250 a week, your hotel room is costing you $1,083 per month. That is why you have nothing left to save for a deposit. You need to get into regular housing as soon as possible. I recommend contacting Seminole County right away to see if they can help you move into that cheaper home that you found.

    You may also want to contact The Center for Affordable Housing (TCFAH) in nearby Sanford. There are 20 transitional housing units that are designed precisely for your type of situation. It allows you to stop overpaying on rent, to save for a deposit and plan your permanent move. You can call them at 407-323-3268.

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