Assistance moving into an apartment in Charlotte NC
(Request from Tiffany in Charlotte, North Carolina) Looking to get assistance with moving into an apartment.
Dear Tiffany,
If you are looking for assistance moving into an apartment, I assume that you are requesting some help meeting the upfront cash requirements of your new landlord. In Charlotte, NC this generally includes the first month’s rent and a full month’s rent as a security deposit. There may be an additional deposit needed for electricity.
Here are a few resources that might be helpful for you. Each has its own qualifications and geographic service area that includes the Greater Charlotte area.
Lutheran Family Services in the Carolinas
This religious-based social aid organization provides residential assistance services to lower income individuals and families who have struggled to be able to afford permanent housing. The organization especially focuses on those who have dealt with some form of illness (mental or physical) or a persistent injury that prevents normal employment.
If you have had difficulty obtaining safe and affordable housing and believe that you have special needs, then you may request assistance through Lutheran Family Services in the Carolinas by calling 704-940-3333.
Transitional Housing in Charlotte
We have noticed that many of the Charlotte-based rental assistance agencies prefer to focus on comprehensive case management, including job skills training while providing interim housing to clients. They prefer this approach over providing cash handouts since it has a much better long-term success rate. Clients simply learn to take care of themselves, whereas many cash assistance programs tend to create a cycle of dependency.
Friendship Community Development Corporation just might be the best resource for you, since they administer several programs that help people like you gain independence. It may be necessary for you to participate in their transitional housing program while gaining new skills and improving your income. Long-term results could include getting your own rental home or even moving into one of their reduced rent apartments.
To see if Friendship CDC can help you, contact one of their intake counselors at 704-200-2807. You should be prepared to answer a few screening questions, including household annual income and family size. You may also ask any questions prior to scheduling an interview with a case manager.
Rental Assistance and Security Deposits
The Crisis Assistance Ministry is one other option that might help with rent and utility deposits. It is a public-private partnership that may be able to assist.
Alternatively, the Department of Social Services may be able to help if you are an extreme low income household. Both organizations provide rental assistance that could give you the funds you need to move into an apartment in Charlotte.
When requesting assistance, make sure that you have the necessary documentation on hand. Pay stubs and social security cards for all household members will be required for the initial qualification process. Additional documentation may be required by the agency.