Need help with a security deposit in Irvington, NJ
Local agencies that offer security deposit assistance in Irvington provide lower-income households with a much-needed lifeline. With help, families can gain access to safe and affordable housing, even when high upfront cash requirements might present a barrier to entry.
The move-in cash requirements in this Essex County community are usually too high for many lower-income households. Fortunately, there are some options available to Irvington residents that need help paying the security deposit on a new apartment. These are some of the possibilities to consider.
Irvington Neighborhood Improvement Corporation
The Township of Irvington often refers rental assistance clients directly to the Irvington Neighborhood Improvement Corporation. This affiliated agency provides help in the form of cash aid when appropriate. Aid may be approved it is necessary in order for a client to gain access to safe and affordable housing.
Questions may be answered by calling 973-416-0909. Since a referral is necessary to obtain services, interested clients should first check in with social services for help. Case managers can then make the required referral.
Seed Time Outreach Center
In some situations, a security deposit plus first month’s rent is approved for clients of Seed Time Outreach Center. Funding is extremely limited.
An application must be thoroughly completed in order to be considered for a funding request. Questions may be answered at 973-399-7000.
Turning Point Community Services
One alternative arrangement is possible through Turning Point Community Services. Through the Servant’s House shelter, single mothers can save their rent money towards a future security deposit. Dependent children may also stay at the home during this transitional period.
To be clear, the organization does not provide actual cash deposits for future rent. Instead residents may live at the shelter rent-free, allowing them to save money towards the move-in requirements at a new apartment. Case managers can assist with this process. Calls may be directed to 973-374-7838.
Low Interest Loans
Credit unions can typically provide loans to those who do not qualify for security deposit grants. Sometimes even a relatively low wage earner can still get excluded from government and charity programs.
The local nonprofit financial institution that may be able to assist is Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union. Located just outside the city limits in nearby Newark, this member-owned institution frequently provides personal loans to applicants who need to come up with immediate cash for situations like a lease qualification. Questions about membership requirements may be directed to representatives at 888-222-8571.
Payday lending is not explicitly prohibited by New Jersey law at this time, so it is up to the borrower to make sure that loans from other financial institutions comply with state interest rate caps. Prior to applying for a rental loan, potential borrowers should first check with social services or one of these agencies that assist with rent deposits to evaluate cheaper options.
Local Requests:
(Request from Zakayyah in Irvington, New Jersey) I am currently staying with a friend of the family with my 2 children. We really need our own space. I just need help with a security deposit. I am a working mom.
Dear Zakayyah,
As a single mother with two children, you may be more likely to be approved for support through one of the aid programs that serve Irvington and other areas of Essex County. This support though will depend on your annual income.
Checking in first with social services is a good start. You may ask about getting a referral to one of these programs or you may contact them directly.
As long as your current home situation is stable, it may be beneficial to remain where you are while gradually saving for a security deposit. If you qualify for security deposit assistance, then a grant could speed up the process. It is likely unnecessary to borrow money for this purpose since your living situation is currently stable.