M.U.J.E.R. provides shelter to domestic violence victims
M.U.J.E.R. (Homestead, FL 33032)
27112 S. Dixie Highway
Phone: 305- 247-1388
The agency has a mission to ensure healthy lifestyles, stability through proper guides and assistances, violence prevention and education for the individuals and families, who have lower income, in order to strengthen them. They also provide direct services to the victims, both children and adults, of sexual and child abuse. M.U.J.E.R has a One Stop Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center program that offers several comprehensive services which include personal and family counseling, crisis intervention, temporary/emergency shelter, and rental assistance. With a view to prevent crimes like rape, sexual assault, AIDS, and family violence MUJER offers some prevention and community education services as well.
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs: The agency that is utilized to provide sponsor victim panels and other interventions in order make the domestic violence offenders realize and take responsibility for their abusive actions to their partners and make the right decision to stop their abnormal behavior by looking at the damages they have done to their relationships, partners, children and themselves. The sponsor panels or interventions identify the reasons and explaining the cycle of abuse they help the abusers articulate their feelings and recognize psychological and physical cues that escalate the anger. Participants are given the chance to learn several important things like how to solve a problem or how to negotiation, resolve any conflict, stress managing and developing other skills that will help them maintain positive and healthy partnerships.
Spouse/Domestic Partner Abuse Counseling: These programs are utilized to provide single or group treatment for individuals who are being physically or sexually abused by their partners, family members or others. They also have few sub-programs which are involved in providing therapeutic interventions for the married couple experiencing the same or similar issue.
Spouse/Domestic Partner Abuse Prevention: Programs that involved in providing variety of educational and effective interventions with a view to preventing the incidence of physical and sexual harassment or abuse of individuals done by their spouses or partners. These interventions look especially at individuals who are likely to be the victims of abuse, potential perpetrators and people who live and work with families.
Family Justice Centers: Programs that have several centers involved in offering many comprehensive services including medical care, law enforcement and counseling, employment and housing assistance for the victims of domestic abuse. Many of these centers are funded by the U.S. Department of Justice.