Ag workers get rental help through COFFO
778 West Palm Drive
Homestead, FL 33034
Phone: 305-246-0357
COFFO – EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE provides financial assistance for the individuals who may be at risk of being their utility or power lines cut off or who need emergency food and medical assistance.
Coalition of Florida Farmworker Organizations serves seasonal laborers in 13 Florida counties. They take all the necessary steps in order to make sure the prevention of evictions and utility or power lines cut off. They also provide financial assistance for emergency lodging, transportation, medical assistance and emergency food vouchers for the eligible individuals and families.
Emergency Shelter: Emergency Shelter program has been utilized to assist individuals, who may be newcomers or may be in crisis or are homeless, by providing a temporary or emergency transitional place to stay for a certain period until their crisis are over.
Housing Expense Assistance: Programs that stand for the needy people who are not able to provide for their own housing needs. They assist the eligible individuals by paying their current housing bills and finance them when buying any new accommodation for living. The eligibility requirements in order to get the benefits from Housing Expense Assistance programs may depend on individuals’ age, income, disability and needs.
Medical Expense Assistance: These programs assist individuals who may not get proper care and essential medications without assistance. They pay all or a portion of the eligible individual’s health care expenses and assist them providing information about where they may get other required resources from at cheap cost. Medical Expense Assistance program has some eligibility requirements as well.
Transportation: Programs that help residents and other community individuals, who have no personal transportation and are not able to utilize the public transportations, by providing the basic transportation facilities which may include transportation for long-distance journey, transportation for dealing with goods, and special arrangements for older adults and physically disabled people. Transportation programs have other services that are charged in providing the tourists, travelers and other visitors with essential and required information and with proper assistance if needed.
Temporary Financial Assistance: They are involved in providing monetary assistance that may be in term of cash, checks, voucher or loans. Individuals, who are having any unexpected financial shortfall or who do not have sufficient resources in order to get the services they need and who are not able to bear the daily expenses for reasons, may be considered to be eligible for enjoying the benefits from the program.