ACCESS eviction prevention in NE Connecticut

If you received an eviction notice and you live in Tolland or Windham County, you might be able to receive necessary rental assistance to remain in your home. The ACCESS Agency, Inc. can help you come up with the cash necessary to get you through your temporary hardship.

Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention

State funding may be used to help you stay in your home, even if you have received a notice that your landlord is pursuing an eviction. The ACCESS Community Action Agency can help you obtain the necessary funds to help you avoid an eviction.

If you are already at least a month behind, you may be able to receive back rent payments that are sent directly to your landlord. ACCESS will help you complete the application so that you can benefit from the grant.

Even if your landlord is committed to the eviction, you may still find a way to stay. Your case manager has experience negotiating with landlords to accept alternative arrangements, thereby giving you a real alternative to eviction.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to receive back rent payments, you need to demonstrate that you can ordinarily afford your rent. It cannot exceed 60% of your monthly income. Also, you must document a financial hardship that caused you to fall delinquent.

Your case manager will require that you show evidence of steady income. A previous job loss will not disqualify you as long as you have found a new job that allows you to meet your normal rent obligation.

Higher income households may not qualify due to restrictions on income. ACCESS limits funding to those households earning no more than 60% of the median household income for Connecticut.

You will need to provide the eviction notice as proof that you may otherwise risk homelessness unless you receive the aid. Your case manager will contact your landlord to determine whether they are willing to accept back payments from the state funds as a means for preventing the eviction.

Help with back rent is available through ACCESS no greater than once every year and a half. These funds are available even if you have received other aid from a separate organization.

If you already have outstanding loans that you used for previous rent payments, you will not be able to receive funding for those debts. Funds may only be used to pay directly to your landlord for existing deficient balances.

Request Rental Assistance

ACCESS Community Action Agency can help your family weather the storm of a temporary financial hardship. Families in Windham County or Tolland County may contact the agency at 860-450-7400 (Willimantic office) or 860-412-1600 (Danielson office).

Emergency Housing Needs

If you have already been evicted, then you may also receive help with emergency housing. ACCESS provides emergency housing for those households who need a safe place to stay. Certain options are also available for individuals with special needs.

Call 860-774-4977 or visit the emergency shelter on Reynolds Street in Danielson. They can also provide information about the Hawkins House Group home in Danielson or the Crossroads program in Norwich. You may discuss the opportunities for either program by calling 860-774-0418. If you have specific transitional housing needs or need immediate shelter, ACCESS can help you out right away.