is there a number to call for help with a security deposit in Connecticut?

Loan for Rent Community Forum Security deposits is there a number to call for help with a security deposit in Connecticut?


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    (Request received from Gwen in Connecticut) Hi my name gwen. I live in conn i am tryig to get help with a security. Deposit on help with a rent assistance. And i dont see to much infomation i try our 211 program. Is there a number. I can call

    Kenneth Long

    Gwen, there is a number you can call. Try telephone 860-424-5373 to qualify for Connecticut’s Security Deposit Guarantee Program. The guarantee can cover your deposit and first month’s rent.
    They will likely have to refer you to a local DSS office for an intake interview, but that telephone number is a great source for information and initial questions.


    (Request received from Phyllis in New Britain, Connecticut) I was forced out of my apartment from the city condemning it. I have been living with a family member paying rent, my storage and car insurance etc. I cannot save at all I have someone willing to rent me apartment but has no money for security deposit of $850. Was denied from CRT due to over the poverty limit from gross income that I don’t see and have no family I can ask to lend. I need help please I’m desperate

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Kenneth Long. Reason: Added information on CRT
    Kenneth Long

    Phyllis, thank you for the information on CRT. You will find that nearly all aid organizations have an income limit, though it does tend to vary from one organization to another.

    Have you contacted Bristol Community Organization? They also have a fairly low income limit (60% of area median) which might be too low for you to qualify. I thought to mention it as an option since Bristol is so close to New Britain. I’d like to know what assistance they can provide to you.

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