Rental allowance payments available through Housing Authority of Prince George’s County

Largo residents at risk of eviction or homelessness may be eligible for cash payments made to their landlords. One agency provides this service to all of Prince George’s County.

Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name”? It was perhaps more relevant in those days, but the modern day concept on product or service to remain in the top of mind awareness to increase its purchase intent. Come what it may, in common parlance if you call a spade a spade life becomes easy and well defined. Housing Authority of Prince George’s County (HAPGC), as the name suggests, evolves on providing solutions to housing requirements to the eligible income groups. It has two offshoots – Housing Services and Property Management.

  • Housing Services Branch: It manages housing information and referral, Resident Services and Public Housing Occupancy. It handles 700 queries on an average per month related to housing services and advises appropriate programs that meet their needs best.
  • Property Management:  It maintains and manages several properties in the county. Staffs prepare funding applications, solicit bids and finally oversee rehabilitation at the properties.

As a low income household, you could receive fixed monthly payments towards your rent. Families with critical housing needs are most likely to be approved for the cash grants.

There are 600 public housing units in Prince George’s County out of which 488 are meant for elderly people, Landlord and tenant complaints can be lodged by calling 800-487-6007 or 410-528-8662. Else, pass on your comments / suggestions at through mail. Online services are available for property tax, parking ticket, payment for automated speed camera citation, abandoned vehicles – vehicle liability, animal management division, circuit court services, health management and office of Central Services such as Spot Bid. Just log on to and click on the appropriate tab / link there.

HAPGC offers several services for the visitors as well as its residents such as Commuter Connections, Call-A-Bus, Call-A-Cab and Connect-A-Ride. It was established in 1696 and was aimed at creating a leader of tomorrow in culture and economics. HAPGC is housed at County Administration Building (Room 2027), 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-3050. The office of HAPGC is operational from Monday to Friday and from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.